Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Would you like a cup of dinner?

Hey all!
I successfully made it to Sydney. I had 2 seats all by myself on the 10 hour plane ride, making it a lot easier to relax and kick back. Hawaiian Airlines was great, the staff was awesome, and I would definitely recommend it for travel to Oz. I rented that DigEplayer thing, and ended up actually staying awake for 3 movies! Anyone who knows me well knows that I struggle just paying attention in one movie. The landing was really scary cuz on my side of the plane all I could see was that we were flying over water...and descending...closer and closer...then all of a sudden the wheels went down and we landed and land magically appeared.
I have already encountered two cultural differences. My friend Frederick picked me up at the airport and I went to get in the passenger side of his car. Then he sheepishly laughed and said, "Um, holly...that's my side." Yeah they drive on the left side of the road, its pretty trippy! Then I was chatting with Fred's roomate who mentioned something about getting "Tea" and I was kinda confused because it didn't sound like she was talked about "tea and crumpets" kinda tea. Apparently "Tea" means "dinner" over here.
In closing, please throw up a little prayer for this Alaskan girl who is about to go outside and face 40 degree celsius temperatures! (104 farenheit) More coming soon....


  1. Aww holly, i miss you soooo much!!!! Gee fool, i coulda told you they drove like that. haahahahah. man, i hope youre having sooooo much fun! please DONT get overwhelmed. be....underwhelmed. play it cool ;) i love you and miss you terribly!!!

  2. Your first post and you all ready have a hilarious story. I'm prayin for you! Don't forget the lessons we learned together. Stay pure, have fun.
