Monday, February 23, 2009

Still alive!

Hi all, just wanted to drop a quick little blog and say that I am doing great, starting to peel from getting sunburned, and having heaps of fun so I don't really have time to write a bunch (as it should be :) But lemme run down some highlights of my trip up the coast so far. Right now i'm in a quaint little town called Rainbow Beach, which consists of 2 hostels, 2 tour companies, a sweeeeet beach, some overpriced shops (although i managed to buy a bikini with the australian flag design on sale) and, most importantly, an ice cream shop. I'm catching a greyhound to Hervey Bay, and from there I'm going on an 8 man adventure safari to this crazy island called Fraser Island. Its a 3 day, 2 night self-guided 4x4 camping trip. The best part?? Its absolutely free to me, because I won it in a raffle at a bar a week ago!

My favorite place so far? Byron Bay. Reminds me a bit of Homer. It's touristy, yet laid-back with plenty of international backpackers and random surfers. I went surfing once and caught a few waves (daddy mcfish would've been proud!). Started traveling on the ozexperience bus a week ago and I quickly met a group of quality people: 1 canadian named Rheanne who is going with me to do an 80K hike in Tasmania in 3 weeks, a german girl named Julia, and a few crazy blokes from England that i'm pretty sure never stop drinking. So I haven't been too lonely, although I really miss everyone from home (besides maybe extra caramel sauce buying/bathing lady from Starbucks, I never particularly cared for her...) At our hostel desk, the girls and I inquired about Zorbing (the human hampster ball rolling down a hill thingy). The front desk worker found some super shady company that could take us in---10 minutes only---. So this rickety van pulls up with an even ricketyer looking aussie fellow. We're told to buckle up-it would be a rocky ride to our Zorb. We get to the place which is just a small hill covered in cow pies! In fact, cows are at the bottom of the zorb track, just grazin away. There aren't any other staff around, nor any buildings, but ther is a rickety "launch pad" composed of an old mattress and cheap covering material. No wonder this was the cheapest zorb company!... So being the adventurous one, (and the one that got us into this mess) I awkwardly manuever myself into the zorb. Its HOT in there! strap myself in...1..2..3..push! I go rolling backward down the hill and quickly realize that I am not alone in the zorb! I have a large arachnid directly opposite me!! I'm pretty sure it looks exactly like the most poisonous spider in the world (which i saw ealier that week at the taronga zoo) This is where the screaming begins. in a ball that i'm strapped into rolling quickly down a hill! I prayed that this spider wouldn't take a tumble as the zorb randomly quished over cowpies. Long story short, I ended up surviving and the spider hung on for dear life too.

I only have a few more minutes so I'll end with synopsis of the town of "Surfers Paradise," which I stayed in for only one day. First of all, it is neither a paradise nor did I see many surfers. It's like the vegas of Australia. stay away from it unless gawking at picture-taking Japanese tourists and meatheads with tribal arm bands of conflicting ideologies is your cup of tea...

I'm off to catch the bus!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. proving once again that Homer girls are absolutely nutz. Yeah, that's right, so nuts that it's spelled with a Z. Man, you really picked the BEST TIME to leave, once you get back summer will be peeking it's head around the corner. Miss yah beb. I still owe you that beer.

  3. More blog posts! MORE, MORE! tell us the story of the dingo!
